Thursday 7 June 2012

What Diseases can Littering Cause?

Dumping illegal  hazardous waste can go in to the water and the air and can cause diseases such as Hantavirus and Malaria. The residue left behind can go into the soil water and effect plants. When tires are dumped and burned to get rid of them they let out tones of chemicals which can pollute the air and that can cause respiratory illness. Littering effects everyone.

Littering Hurts the Environment

Littering hurts the environment. If everyone threw rubbish on the ground carelessly our world would be in ruins. No one in the world is innocent of littering people accidently drop rubbish o n the ground and people just carelessly through it on the ground not thinking of the consequences of the environment. Do not litter. pick up any trash that others have left in the environment. We would not like to experience the hurt of the Environment caused by litter.

Littering Effects Animal and Marine Life

Littering effects animal and marine life. Thousands of animals and marine life die each year just from littering. Some cases are fish getting caught in the plastic can holders and seals getting caught in wire. It's horrible to watch marine life die because of 'you' littering. For more info visit 'Clean The Seas Project' (Click the link on the tool bar.)


Many schools around Bayside experience heaps of litter. At many schools I have seen loads of rubbish placed everywhere. It makes the school yard look horrible and not very appealing. Everyone needs to pick up their game and stop littering. In some parts of the school there is so much rubbish that needs to be picked up, but instead its left alone not being picked up. Students are just careless about the environment and something needs to be planned. 

Wednesday 6 June 2012


Littering is a serious matter around Bayside. Everywhere you look there are mounds of rubbish just left on the sides of the road. Littering can cause major effects on the environment like pollution, deaths of animals and marine life and diseases. Littering is expensive, as the council pays thousands everyday to clean up the streets. Councils around Victoria pay millions of dollars every year to clean up dumped rubbish and road side litter.